I believe everyone can learn respect for other species. Children need to learn about the feelings all animals have. We need to tell them that it is wrong to kill animals.
Originally posted on FUR OUT THE CLOSET::
Barbie dolls wearing fur (picture from One Green Planet)
Only 58 % of 18 to 24-year-olds in a poll believed it WRONG to use fur!
I found this dismal statistic when reading Lorraine Fisher’s article in the Mail Online – March 2014 (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2582226/How-fur-industry-clawed-way-Lavishing-gifts-celebs-Targeting-children-classroom-The-cynical-ploys-making-fur-respectable-again.html#ixzz3Dr13WeP8).
Even more depressing, though, was realising how furriers and fashion designers are trying to lure young people into buying real fur produce. To do this, these manufacturers are moving away from the ‘luxurious, heavy’ look of fur and producing a ‘lighter, colourful and fun’ product.
In other words, not only are creatures being needlessly skinned for their fur but their fur is now being disguised through dye and shearing. THIS MAKES NO SENSE TO ME.
One Green Planet (http://www.onegreenplanet.org/news/how-fur-is-making-a-comeback-and-how-we-can-fight-it/?) presented a list of ‘How Fur is Making a Comeback’, as follows:
The major ways that the…
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