URGENT ACTION NEEDED: This just in from Ontario Nature, we need to save wetlands in Pickering

Developers are looking to destroy a large Provincially Significant Wetland in Pickering to make room for a warehousing facility. This is unacceptable but if we act fast we may be able to save these wetlands.

These developers applied to the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) for a permit to bring in the bulldozers. Because of recent changes to the Conservation Authorities Act, the TRCA is compelled to issue the permit. But the TRCA still has jurisdiction to impose stringent, science-based conditions and compensation requirements. That's why I need your help in asking their board members to do so, and to hold public consultations on the proposed compensation plan.

The TRCA could decide as early as tomorrow, March 5. Please sign the action alert and share it with your network: https://ontarionature.good.do/duffins-creek/email/
CLICK HERE to sign the petition!

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