I am a big believer in the power of my tennis gear. If I have the right equipment when I head out to a match, I know I've set myself up to play my best possible tennis. And if I'm going to lose that day, I at least want to look really good while I"m doing it. So I am always looking for that next great thing that is going to help me on court. And that's why I was very excited when I found out about Tennis Trunk - a monthly subscription box just for tennis players. Yay!

Okay. So just what am I talking about? A subscription box is a box of whatever delivered right to your door each month. There are all kinds of subscription boxes (make-up, paleo food, pet toys) but Tennis Trunk is the one and only monthly tennis box, packed with fun, cool, new tennis gear. Some of the stuff Tennis Trunk sends will be things you expect to get, like tennis balls and grip overwrap, both of which you can never have enough of. Other items are things you've probably never seen before that you'll get to try out and maybe even fall in love with.
And what I really like about Tennis Trunk is that you can choose just how many boxes you'd like to receive. So you can sign up for one month, three months or even six months of boxes. You aren't obligated to get a year's worth of boxes like some subscription services require (although, like me, you may want a year's worth after you open your first box). So basically, its like getting a tennis gift in the mail every one to six months.
Here's what my Tennis Trunk looked like - a pretty, shiny green box delivered in my mail, no wrapping required:

The best part was what I found inside - lots of tennis awesomeness!

Everything in my Tennis Trunk was super useful. Tennis balls? Check. Breathable hat? Check. Overwrap for my racket grip? Double check. Those are things I need every time I play.
But the unexpected surprise in this box that was my new favorite thing was the On The Go Towels. There were two Sports Towels (Unscented and Revive) and two Cleansing Towels (Shower Refresh and Citrus Refresh) (and yes, I had already used one when I took this pic).

How did I not already know about these? At last, I can actually go out and run a few errands after I play tennis and not look like or smell like an old dirty gym sock. I know for a fact that my local area retailers will be much happier with me trying on clothes in their establishments AFTER I've wiped down with one of these On The Go towels.
I am thrilled with these towels as well as with all of the contents of my Tennis Trunk!
My only problem now is convincing someone (hello family?) that this is the perfect gift to get for me this holiday season. I also think it's the perfect gift for me to get for my tennis partner and my tennis pro who are both deserving of something special after putting up with me this past year.
If you're interested in trying out Tennis Trunk, for you or your best tennis buddy, the nice people at Tennis Trunk have a special deal just for Tennis Fixation followers. They are offering you $5.00 off your first Tennis Trunk. Just visit their website - www.TennisTrunk.com - and use the code TENNISFIXATION at check out to get your $5.00 discount.
And if you do happen to get a Tennis Trunk, let me know what you think about it and what your favorite thing is. I would love to hear from you!

© Kim Selzman 2016 All Rights Reserved This post was sponsored by Tennis Trunk and they were nice enough to provide me with my own Tennis Trunk to try out for this post.