Food & Drink Magazine

Plastic-Free Freezer Storage Ideas

By Sweetpeasandsaffron

Sharing my favorite ways to avoid plastic in the freezer! With a few helpful products and strategies, you can drastically reduce your dependency on single-use products.

It’s been awhile since I shared 5 Ways to Reduce Plastic Waste in the Kitchen and I’m back today, sharing my solutions to one of my biggest problem areas: the freezer.

Freezer full of Plastic-Free Freezer Storage Ideas

Freezer meals. Love the convenience. Hate the waste they generate! From disposable freezer bags to disposable foil trays, to plastic wrap, there just seem to be few options for freezing your meals that don’t generate waste.

I’ve been searching high and low for some eco-friendly products that will reduce the need for plastic and foil.

I still have some problem areas that I hope to tackle soon, namely: crockpot freezer meals (which require sturdy 1 gallon bags), and plastic wrap (for freezer burritos etc).

But for now, I’m going to share some tricks and equipment that I’ve been loving so far!

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