Gardening Magazine

Plant of the Week: Olearia ‘Waikariensis’

By Davis Landscape Architecture @DavisLandArch

Olearia 'Waikariensis'  (27/07/2013, Kew Gardens, London)

Olearia ‘Waikariensis’ (27/07/2013, Kew Gardens, London)

Position: Full sun

Flowering period: Summer

Soil: Moist, well drained

Eventual Height: 2m

Eventual Spread: 2m

Hardiness: 8a, 8b 9a 9b, 10a, 10b

Family: Asteraceae

Olearia ‘Waikariensis’ is an evergreen shrub free with an erect, rounded habit. Its grey/ green leaves are lanceolate with entire margins, have white hairs on their undersides and are up to 6.5cm long and 2cm broad. Its white flowers are daisy like, are up to 2cm across and appear in terminal umbels.

Olearia 'Waikariensis' Flower (27/07/2013, Kew Gardens, London)

Olearia ‘Waikariensis’ Flower (27/07/2013, Kew Gardens, London)

Olearia ‘Waikariensis’, commonly known as Daisy Bush, is derived from New Zealand. It is a hybrid of unknown origin. Olearia ‘Waikariensis’ is synonymous with Olearia oleifolia ‘Waikariensis’

The etymological root of the binomial name Olearia named for Johann Gottfried Olearius (1635-1711), a German theologian and botanist.

The landscape architect may find  Olearia ‘Waikariensis’ useful as a free flowering shrub for sea side locations, as it it tolerant of salt laden winds. It may be grown as an informal hedge.

Ecologically, Olearia ‘Waikariensis’ is attractive to pollinating insects.

Olearia 'Waikariensis' Leaf (27/07/2013, Kew Gardens, London)

Olearia ‘Waikariensis’ Leaf (27/07/2013, Kew Gardens, London)

Olearia ‘Waikariensis’ prefers moist, fertile, well-drained soils. It tolerates most pH of soil.

Olearia ‘Waikariensis’ requires little maintenance.

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