Merxmuellera macowanii (21/02/2012, Kew, Lonndon)
Position: Full sun
Flowering period: Summer
Soil: Moist
Eventual Height: 1.3m
Eventual Spread: 0.8m
Hardiness: 7a-9b
Family: Poaceae
Merxmuellera macowanii is a semi-evergreen, tufted perennial grass. Its mid-green leaf blades are up to 65cm long, have serrated/ sharp edges and these become folded with age. The flowers appear in summer, are loosely contracted, have an interrupted panicle, are up to 27cm long and are retained on the plant into early winter.
Merxmuellera macowanii, commonly known as Molalashlolo or Moseha, is native to South Africa. In its natural habitat it along streams and marshy places.
The etymological root of the binomial name Merxmuellera is derived from the name of the German botanist H. Merxmuller. Macowanii is derived from the name of Peter MacOwan (1823-1872) the director of Cape Colony Botanic Garden, South Africa.
The landscape architect may find Merxmuellera macowanii useful as a medium height, semi-evergreen grass, forming an effective ground cover, particularly when planted en mass. It is suitable for riparian planting schemes.
Ecologically, Merxmuellera macowanii pollen is fed on my some insects.
Merxmuellera macowanii prefers moist, fertile, soils. It tolerates most pH of soil.
Merxmuellera macowanii requires little maintenance. This plant may be cut to ground level in spring, before the new growth begins, to keep a tidy appearance.