Gardening Magazine

Plant of the Week: Laburnum x Watereri ‘vossii’

By Davis Landscape Architecture @DavisLandArch

Laburnum x watereri vossii flower (07/05/2011, London)

Laburnum x watereri vossii flower (07/05/2011, London)

Position: Flourishes in full sun.

Soil: Moist but well drained.

Flowering period: Mid spring to early summer.

Eventual Height: 8m

Eventual Spread: 8m

Hardiness: USDA Zone 5a-11a

Family: Fabaceae

Laburnum x watereri ‘vossii’ is a deciduous tree with a spreading habit. Its dark green leaves are composed of elliptic to obovate leaflets, 8cm long. It bears large 60cm long panicles composed yellow, densely spaced flowers.

L. x watereri is the most common garden form of laburnum, made by crossing the L. anagyroides and L. alpinum. All parts of the plants are poisonous to humans, most cases of poisoning occurring when children mistake the seedpods for green peas.

Laburnum is the ancient Lain name for L. anagyroides possibly from origins in Lebanon. x watereri is named for Waterer Nursery in Knaphill, England.

Laburnum x watereri vossii (07/05/2011, London)

Laburnum x watereri vossii (07/05/2011, London)

This plant is useful to the landscape architect as a specimen tree providing a burst of flower during late spring and early summer. Care must be taken when locating this tree due to its poisonous nature.

This plant will tolerate almost any soil conditions; it will be happy in acid, neutral or alkaline pH levels, in loam, sand, clay or chalk and facing any aspect in a sheltered or exposed location.

Ecologically this plant will attract pollinating insects such as bees that will feed on its nectar.

The Royal Horticultural Society have given it their prestigious Award of Garden Merit.

Maintenance: Any dead or damaged material should be removed in late winter.

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