Acacia retinodes flower buds (11/01/2012, London)
Position: Full sun
Flowering period: Spring to summer (All year round in its native habitat)
Soil: Well drained to wet
Eventual Height: 7m
Eventual Spread: 5m
Hardiness: 8a – 11
Family: Fabaceae
Acacia retinodes is an evergreen shrub or small tree. Its grey/ green leaves (which are in fact flattened stems) are compound pinnate, narrow in shape and up to 10cm long. The stem of the plant is green, with a smooth texture. The flowers are yellow in colour, being quite small, hidden by the long stamens, arranged in dense globular or cylindrical clusters. These are fragrant, reminiscent of almonds. The fruit of the plant is red/ brown in color .The roots of the plant are nitrogen fixing.
Acacia retinodes (11/01/2012, London)
Acacia retinodes, commonly known as the Retinodes Water Wattle, Swamp Wattle, Wirilda, Ever-blooming Wattle, Ever-blooming Acacia, Mimose de quatre saisons and Silver Wattle, is native to the south east corner of Australia, including Tasmania. It has naturalised in parts of California, USA and is listed as an invasive alien species in Portugal.
The etymological root of the binomial name Acacia is derived from the Greek akis ’pointed object’ in reference to the thorny nature of a number of plants within this genus. Retinodes is derived from the Greek rhetine ‘resin of the pine’ and the suffix oides meaning ‘like’.
The landscape architect may find useful A. retinodes as a small evergreen tree, particularly in damp locations. Once established this plant is drought tolerant.
Acacia retinodes trunk (11/01/2012, London)
Ecologically A. retinodes is attractive to bees and butterflies for its nectar.
The Royal Horticultural Society has given A. retinodes their prestigious Award of Garden Merit in 1993.
A. retinodes prefers moist, fertile, well-drained soils. It will tolerate poorly drained soils. It will tolerate very alkali soils.
A. retinodes requires little maintenance.