Books Magazine

Planner Update! Planner System is Going Strong

By Bookaholic @BookReflections
Planner Update!  Planner System is going strong
If you follow my instagram @Reflectionsofabookaholic, you might notice that planners make quite a few appearances.  I posted this picture without annonotations at the beginning of the year of my planner stack.  I use ALL of them every week.
Planners often talk about "planner peace" and trying to find the perfect planner that helps manage everything.  I don't even try that.  I have a whole planner system and I re-evaluate every year.  
My Inkwell Press Planner - Is my main planner.  It stays on my desk and houses my goals, tracking, reading lists, book lists, menu, and weekly schedule and anything else that comes up.  Because everything is there, it has to be general and it can get cluttered and overwhelming.  This planner has losts of confidential information and never leaves my desk.
My Erin Condren Planner - is my reflection planner.  Y'all know by now that I'm all about reflecting on all the things.   I use this planner to keep track of what I've actually done each day.  This helps me compare my plans with my performance.  It keeps me grounded when I feel that I'm not accomplishing things.  And it helps me set realistic schedules by showing me what can be done in a day.  I use the monthly calender to keep track of Jacob's milestones. I usestickers and post videos of this planner on my Youtube page.  This is half reflection and half scrapbook/memory keeping.  I keep Jacob's
Flower B6 Traveler's Notebook - My work calendar and contacts notebook.  I take this notebook with me everywhere.  I keep client contact information, my calendar, and other quick notes.  I'm often needing to schedule hearings, mediations, consults, etc. when I'm on the go.  This holds my calendar and lets me keep track of dates that I've given out as available to make sure I don't double book my calendar.
Griffindor B6 Foxy Fix Scarlet Notebook - Work planner/notebook.  I take this planner with me.  It has more detailed information of my work to-do lists, goals, and the like.  I keep confidential information out and take it with me everywhere.
What planner(s) are you using and how are you doing with it?

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