Culture Magazine

Planet Terror (2007) Movie Review

By Newguy

Planet Terror – Movie Review

Planet Terror (2007) Movie Review

First Reaction – Planet Terror is great fun.

Watch Planet Terror Here.

a JustWatch JustWatch

ABC Film Challenge – Favourites – P

Director: Robert Rodriguez

Writer: Robert Rodriguez (Screenplay)


  • Rose McGowan (Scream)
  • Freddy Rodriguez (Bull)
  • Josh Brolin (Avengers Endgame)
  • Marley Shelton (Valentine)
  • Jeff Fahey (Alita Battle Angel)

Plot: After an experimental bio-weapon is released, turning thousands into zombie-like creatures, it’s up to a rag-tag group of survivors to stop the infected and those behind its release.

Runtime: 1 Hour 45 Minutes 

There may be spoilers in the rest of the review

Story: Planet Terror starts when the residents of a small town discover an experimental bio-weapon has been released. Go Go  Dancer Cherry Darlin (McGowan) finds herself working with her ex, Wray (Rodriguez) to find survival. Elsewhere, Dr Dakota Block (Shelton) tries to escape her controlling husband Dr William Block (Brolin).

When the rag-tag group come together, they must fight against undead zombie-like creatures. However, they will discover who is behind this if they are going to stop the spread and make it out alive.

Verdict on Planet Terror


The movie follows the residents of a small town who discover they have had a bio-weapon released. They must come together to fight back against the undead and everyone responsible for releasing the weapon.

Best Parts

This movie plays respect to the old school grindhouse movies. It is meant to be chaotic, over the top and full of blood. This embraces the ideas and makes it one of the most entertaining movies of the release. It has crazy action and unique ideas that might have only been seen by the biggest cult cinema fans.

Worst Parts

This was originally designed as a double feature, and that is shown by it feeling a lot shorter than you would imagine it to be.

Final ThoughtsPlanet Terror is pure chaos and a blast to watch.

Planet Terror (2007) Movie Review

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