Planes, Trains and Automobiles or What We Did On Our Vacation
Posted by Vikas Acharya on November 16, 2016We didn’t plan to neglect writing our blog posts while we traveled from Portugal to the US but, as master procrastinators who can find that one excuse is as good as another, that’s exactly what we did. Any blogger will tell you that writing a post takes time and a fair amount of discipline and we found both of those to be in short supply once we landed in the US. In fact, rather than the slow travel we both have found we enjoy so much, we behaved exactly like tourists. We tried to cram as much sightseeing and visits with friends and family as we could into the roughly six weeks we were back in our home country. The map below will show you the ocean crossed and the ground we covered.

We kept a calendar and a folder to organize our bus tickets to and from Lagos to Lisbon, our…
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