
Pizza Without Oven Recipe & Video

Posted on the 21 April 2020 by Thefoodellers

Making Italian pizza at home is feasible but it requires a fair amount of time, some skills, and patience. We all love pizza, and this Italian style skillet pizza recipe is exactly what you may need: it's easy to make, quick, doesn't require an oven, doesn't require time. It's basically a savage and a treat! And it's ready in 20 minutes!

It's traditionally called " pizza al tegamino ", and it's typical of Turin, Northern Italy. But it's also something everyone has eaten at least once, being made famous by places like Domino's or Deep Pan Pizza or even Pizza Hut.

This Best Pizza Without Oven Recipe is not baked in the oven but cooked in a frying pan so that the crust is golden and crunchy and the inside is puffy and soft.

We want to be honest with you: the original pan pizza recipe requires hours and hours but we've taken the traditional recipe and transformed into an easy and foolproof skillet pizza recipe that is ready in less than 30 minutes and it's absolutely delicious.

Make sure you have a 12 inches skillet, strong flour, instant yeast to make this cast iron pizza at home.

Read our recipe and keep scrolling down if you are looking for tips, tricks and things to know to make this best Italian style pan pizza at home.

Ingredients for a 12 inches skillet

  • 150 grams of strong flour
  • 10 ml of water
  • 5 grams of instant yeast
  • 1 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
  • 3 grams of salt


  1. Knead all the ingredients until you get a soft and smooth dough;
  2. Heat the pan on the stove, covering it with a lid to create a warm and isolated environment;
  3. Roll out the dough into a disc;
  4. When the skillet is hot, lay the dough, cover with the lid and cook for 2-3 minutes on each side, making sure that it does not burn;
  5. After 5-6 minutes, remove the pan from the heat and stuff the pizza with ingredients of your choice.
  6. Put with the lid on and let the pan pizza cook for another 8-10 minutes on medium-low heat.
  7. Slice and serve.

Preparation time: 5 minutes

Cooking time: 15 minutes

Total time: 20 minutes

No Oven Cast Iron Pan Pizza: Video

How To Make Stovetop Skillet Pizza: Tips and Tricks

  • Always start cooking the crust on high heat, then reduce the heat to medium. It's the only way to get a crunchy crust and a soft inside;
  • Only stuff your pizza once it has been cooked for 2-3 minutes on each side, otherwise, the ingredients will wet it and you won't get a crunchy crust that is essential for this recipe;
  • Do not forget to cover the pan; if you don't do so, your pizza will be soggy and the cheese won't melt properly;
  • If you want a more golden top, run the pizza under the broiler for a couple of minutes at the end of cooking.

What are the best toppings for my pizza?

We are extremely traditional when it comes to pizza, so these are our recommendations on the best toppings for your no-bake Italian pizza recipe:

  • Mozzarella cheese and tomato sauce: always choose a good tomato sauce, possibly Italian if you can, and your pizza will taste amazing;
  • Ham, mushrooms, mozzarella cheese: a classic Italian combination;
  • Vegetables and mozzarella cheese: add vegetables to your pizza and you won't be disappointed. If you're a vegan, use a cheese substitute like this;
  • Pepperoni: there's nothing more satisfying than a pepperoni pizza!

No-Bake Sweet Pizza Recipe: Ideas

If you're looking for a different and quick treat for your family, make this pizza and top it with something sweet such as:

Nutella and banana: make a plain pizza, add bananas almost at the end and serve it with Nutella or chocolate spread.
Strawberries and cream: make a plain pizza, add strawberries almost at the end and serve it with whipped cream.
Banana and syrup: make a plain pizza, add bananas almost at the end and serve it syrup or honey.
Ice Cream: make a plain pizza and serve it with ice cream.

Skillet Pizza Frequently Answer Questions

What Flour Should I Use?

For your homemade skillet pizza, you need a high-gluten or a whole-wheat flour that has about 14% protein. The goal is to make sure your pizza will rise and with a bleached flour or a very poor one you cannot get this result. We use whole-wheat flour you can find here.

How do I keep my pizza from sticking to the skillet?

No worries! If you follow this recipe it won't stick: the dough is quite greasy because it incorporates oil and with the heat of the skillet it won't stick. Do not use more oil or butter or anything else to grease the skillet: the dough can do everything by itself.

How do I reheat my skillet pizza and keep the crust crispy?

The best thing to do is to reheat it in the oven: place some foil on a tray, heat it and place your pizza on it. The heat will help make the crust crispy again.

Can I use parchment paper on a skillet?

No, it's not needed and it will burn. Your dough will cook without any extra help and your homemade pizza without oven will be perfect!

Is this homemade pizza healthier than take out?

Yes, it is. At first, it's not greasy and then you can control what ingredients you wanna use and what toppings you're going to add. Controlling ingredients means you are in charge of choosing the best on the market to stay healthy.

Where can I find instant or yeast?

It's sold in small packages in grocery stores. Sometimes it's also called rapid rise yeast. We usually buy ours on Amazon, and we recommend you do the same.

Can I use baking powder for my skillet pizza?

You can, but the flavor can be different. We've never tried the baking powder so we cannot recommend using it.

Can I make my pizza dough ahead of time?

Yes, you can. Simply leave it there or roll it out and put it into the skillet. To prevent your dough from drying out, place a clean cloth towel or some cling film over it.

We hope this no-bake skillet pizza recipe becomes a family staple! Have fun![This post contains affiliate links, which means that we may receive a small commission, at no cost to you, if you make a purchase through our links]

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