If you like something very much, it’s okay to be influenced by it.
You can be inspired. You can be envious. You can be anxious to demonstrate your affection.
But I think we have to draw the line at trying to actually BE it. That comes unethically close to copying another person’s work, or bald-faced mimicry, or one of those stories where the murderer tries to assume the identity of his/her victim.
On the other hand, I’m talking about TV advertising here, so none of it matters and everything’s game as long as you don’t use somebody’s copyrighted material. So all right. Have at it, Pizza Hut. Mash up the most recent Domino’s ad with a Red Lobster ad from a couple years ago, and good luck in your future endeavors.
Here’s the Domino’s ad for their crazy-ass new chicken product:
Here’s a pleasant Red Lobster ad (featuring some weird still photos mixed with motion footage) (and which, incidentally, still wasn’t enough to keep its owner Darden enthusiastic about continuing their relationship):
Here’s Pizza Hut’s homage to both of those commercials:
I merely find myself wondering: if Pizza Hut can’t come up with an original commercial, what subconscious conclusion might their target viewers reach? Just askin’.