Menu Choices: 8/10
Food Presentation: 7/10
Food Temperature: 8/10
Food Taste: 18/20
Service: 6/10
Ambiance/Music: 6/10
Architecture/Interior: 6/10
Air Quality: 9/10
Total: 73/100
More about: Cesar Pizza, ParisMany talk about Napoletano Italian restaurant saying that they have the best Pizza in Paris, that is why I’ve tried it couple of weeks ago. It is good indeed but not to be compared of what Cesar can offer. Cesar can be rated as one of the best Pizzas around the city.

We reached the restaurant in the early hours of the afternoon when others have already finished and got seated close to the sidewalk. Didn’t have the chance to discover more of the inner restaurant court to describe it for you, but this doesn’t matter as the food will make you forget about everything else.

The menu sections:
- Insalate “Gustosa” (les salades gourmandes)
- Antipasti (les entrées)
- Carne (les viandes)
- Pasta (les pâtes fraîches)
- Risotti
- Pesci (les poissons)
- Formaggi (les fromages)
- Le Pizze (les pizzas)
- Dolci (les desserts)
- Gelati (les glaces)

- Insalata Capri (classique duo de mozzarella di buffala et de tomate)
- Pizza Campione (sauce tomate, mozzarella, merguez, poivron, oeuf)
- Pizza Tonata (sauce tomate, thon, câpres, olives, origan)
- Ile Flottante
- Tiramisu alle fragole (tiramisu aux fraises)

- A thin dough covered with a sweet layer of boiled tomato sauce with a zesty feel adding to it the melting cheese mix, some black italian olives, tuna, eggs or anything in between all surrounded by the outer buttery crust tainted by the tomatoes of mouthwatering bread. A ticket to heaven behind every bite. Their pizzas are crunchy on the sides, thin in the middle yet crispy not watery, filled with a mix of fresh organic ingredients transporting you into Italy’s hidden secrets.
- The salad is fresh but needs more olive oil and a hint of black pepper.

- I am not a fan of the Ile Flottante: A floating island is a French dessert consisting of meringue floating on crème anglaise (a vanilla custard). The meringues are prepared from whipped egg whites, sugar and vanilla extract then quickly poached. The crème anglaise is prepared with the egg yolks, vanilla, and hot milk, briefly cooked.
- Strawberry Tiramisu ; Doesn’t taste Tiramisu at all. Too sweet, too creamy.
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