Entertainment Magazine

Pixie (2020) Review

Posted on the 31 October 2020 by Caz @LetsGoToTheMov7
Pixie (2020) Review

An an attempt to avenge her mother's death Pixie comes up with a heist that will see her get many people involved and fleeing across Ireland from the gangsters and priest!


Maybe that should say gangster priests? As that is what some of them certainly become. Immediately that becomes funny right? Of course it does then you throw in the fact it is set in Ireland and everyone is Irish. Again adds to the comedy value instantly.

I didn't know too much about the plot before heading to the cinema to see the film. Basically Frank and Harland end up with Pixie as they both fancied her. Then when her ex Colin shows up looking as though he is going to try and kill her Harland gets them properly involved by running his over with his car.

Pixie's step father just happens to be gangster Dermot O'Brien. He will do anything for his daughter. She knows this and certainly uses it for her own advantage and the dream of heading to San Francisco with loads of money. Not just any money though the drug money from the corrupt priest who are lead by Father Hector McGrath.

While it has a few twists and turns along the way it is nothing spectacular in that sense. However, the best thing I can possibly say is that it is a joy to watch. Something you can easily switch off and enjoy. Not quite on level with In Bruges, but it does have a lot going for it. Manages to be charming and funny whilst also having plenty of deaths going on. Then those priests and nuns with the guns in on of the final scenes.

You cannot help but like the three main characters of Pixie, Frank and Harland all for different reasons, but it just makes sense to how they work together and become a pretty good unit. Which works well for the plot and how much you enjoy the film. Chaos is probably another good thing about the film, we like a little bit of chaos in a film like this as it just makes it even more of a joy to watch.

In terms of performances Olivia Cooke is given the more leading role and something that she does effortlessly. Ben Hardy and Daryl McCormack are engaging enough to watch as well, having a believable friendship. Colm Meaney was good in a supporting role which is nothing less than you would expect. Alec Baldwin's role was more of a cameo really and his accent went from being impressive to terrible, I'm still a big fan though!

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