When it rains, it pours in pitbollian land, it seems, whenever there is news, there is lots of it these days… so here’s a bit of what is going on…
Patrick Update
The Essex County Prosecutor’s Office has confirmed that the Kisha Curtis case is scheduled to continue today, Friday February 22nd at 9:00 AM. While this case has taken almost two years to get to where we are and that is so difficult for many to understand, the NJSPCA does appreciate the efforts of the Essex County Prosecutors Office and the patience of Judge Cassini. The justice system grinds forward so slowly in some cases but the Essex County Prosecutor’s Office has and continues to take this case seriously. Frustration is often expressed when cases drag on but the single most important fact of this case is that Patrick has recovered, is doing amazingly well and is happy and loved with the Scavelli’s. I personally have no doubt that Patrick will be forever, “Patrick Scavelli” !!! Capt, NJSPCA
Good news
The Maryland House of Delegates has voted UNANIMOUSLY to pass legislation that will protect dog owners in Maryland from discrimination. Dog owners, property owners, concerned citizens and lawmakers have all been working together to find a solution to a 2012 Maryland Court of Appeals ruling that put severe financial and emotional burdens on dog owners and landlords. Next up, the bill goes to the Senate where, according to the Baltimore Sun, it is expected to be favorably received. There is no ‘us vs. them” in Maryland: everyone is working together to achieve safe, human communities!
Hero Dog Saves Couple From Apartment Fire

A dog’s heroics helped one family escape an apartment fire over the weekend.
The dog woke up a couple in the nick of time after a fire burned an apartment building in Sheffield, AL. The couple said that if their dog didn’t wake them, they wouldn’t have made it out alive.
Boots is a 9-month-old pit bull mix. Her owner, Brandon McDonald, said he and his wife were asleep in an upstairs apartment when the fire broke out early Saturday morning.
He said the dog kept nudging him, and even barked a couple times, but it wasn’t until she latched onto his arm that he then opened his eyes and saw smoke inside their apartment. Mcdonald said the dog’s bite didn’t break the skin or leave any bruises.
Like others in the building, the couple lost everything in the fire, but they said they’re thankful to still have the dog and each other.
“I’ve always kept a pit bull,” said McDonald. “I won’t ever be without a pit bull again. I will never get rid of my dog. I love my dog to death.”
Firefighters believe the fire started in a downstairs apartment. An exact cause has not yet been determined.
Detroit area may lift ban of pit bulls…
In Nevada
A Broward County, Florida commissioner has filed a motion to make it illegal to own “pit bulls” in Broward County. This issue is on next week’s commissioner’s meeting agenda. PLEASE SHARE and please make your polite and respectful opposition to this proposal known to the county commissioners. Its very important to note that Florida state law PROHIBITS cities from passing BSL.
“Breed-specific legislation is useless. BSL accomplishes nothing. It doesn’t improve public safety, or even prevent dog bites. It’s expensive. It does nothing to hold irresponsible dog owners accountable for their actions, while at the same time punishing responsible dog owners, and here’s the kicker: Not one single animal welfare organization supports the policy. Not one.” ~Shorty Rossi