The Pink Lady Gin Cocktail is not as sweet as summer cocktails, it's gently tart flavor is a balance of gin, applejack, lemon juice, and grenadine.
The Pink Lady Gin Cocktail is a nice transition cocktail for this time of year. From the heavier drinks we imbibe during the winter months to warm weather drinks that focus on sweet, fruity variations, there is a period when I'm ready for change but not yet ready for cocktails featuring the fruits of the season.
Rumored to have been a favorite among ladies during the 1930's to 1950's, it has a reputation of being created during prohibition. It was not unusual for poor liquor, in this case gin, to be mixed with other flavors to mask an unpleasant flavor.
I suggest you not follow suit, use a good gin for this one; my choice was the original Hendrick's Gin. It has wonderful notes that blend nicely with the other ingredients.
Maybe I am ready for something pretty though. There is something about pink cocktails that I love; they look so festive. Where I live in Colorado at 6200′ it might also be a sign that yes, spring is on it's way even if it's still snowing in my neck of the woods. Spring here is bi-polar for sure...70 degrees one day and a blizzard the next!
I first discovered this Pink Lady Gin Cocktail at a local restaurant where it was the monthly feature. It was just weeks before Covid put an end to meeting friends for drinks.
True confession? I had two friends, two VERY careful friends who came over once a month for drinks and a gabfest when there were so many restrictions and our favorite watering holes were closed.
We were careful and we observed all of the required protocols but we needed a girls night every once in a while was our saving grace.
I made this cocktail for our first get together and it was a hit; I'm so glad I asked the bartender for the recipe. Even though it's well known and I didn't know I wouldn't need it, that's the one I'm using.
All the recipes I've seen include an egg white to make the Pink Lady Gin Cocktail frothy. I don't like to live risky but I've always included one but if it's a concern, either eliminate it or find eggs that have been pasteurized.
I found this article informative too; the chances of anyone getting salmonella are very slim actually and only a few groups should exercise caution; small children, elderly, pregnant, HIV-positive, or on chemotherapy-or facing some other immune-compromising medical situation. Still if you have any reservations, proceed accordingly.
One little bit of housekeeping news too. I've included cocktails on this site for a decade now, starting with this Vootbeer in 2012. For several years it was my 'Friday Cocktails' section and I did post a cocktail EVERY Friday. I would stay up until midnight to fulfill that obligation too.
Well, I've decided two things. First, I'm not making that schedule anymore, and second...who says I can't publish on any other day?!!
So it's simple, it's just Cocktails now and I've got no hard and fast rules for when I'll publish drinks. I guess that makes today 'Saturday Cocktails' right?
I have such lovely readers, no one has complained, but I thought maybe I should clarify anyhow if even one of you were wondering...what is up with that woman, it's Friday, where is my cocktail! 🙂