Fashion Magazine


By Kristina Suko @eccentricowl

Happy Tuesday!

I’ll be back later today with an outfit post, but this morning (I guess technically it’s afternoon now) I’m sharing something totally different because 1. I like free things, and 2. you probably like free things, too!


This post was compensated with a deluxe sample box from PINCHme in return for my honest opinions.

Last week I got a lovely email from Cat who asked if I would be interested in sharing PINCHme on my blog. After checking out the site, and signing in to see how it all worked, I agreed (and in return, she sent me a deluxe blogger box to share with you.) What is PINCHme, you ask?

It’s a great free service where you, a consumer of many different products, can sign up (for free, did I mention?), fill out a bit about yourself, and sample lots of different things. Every week (Tuesdays, I think!), you get the chance to snap up some great samples — everything from beauty to food to pets to to childcare — to test out in the comfort of your own home. In return, you can offer companies feedback. It’s really that easy and simple!


Normally I don’t collaborate with non-fashion brands or websites, because obviously I run a fashion blog and it seems a little off-subject to introduce something that is not about fashion. But I am all about being thrifty, getting free things, and testing out items that maybe I can later recommend to friends (aka you). And since PINCHme is completely free — I signed up and there is no “add your credit card info” section anywhere in any part of the signing up, choosing your samples, or entering your information to ship a box to you — I think it’s a great service to share with you guys. I know quite a lot of you are moms and thrifty homemakers yourselves, and I think it’s a fantastic way for you to test items you’ve been curious about before buying!

Now, you do have to be quick; samples went live today at 12pm ET, but by the time I got to the sample page thirty minutes later, half the samples were already out of stock! So, if you want a wide range to choose from, sign in as soon as samples go live! Currently, PINCHme is limiting people to three samples per box (again, I was sent a deluxe blogger box, which seems to be about half the samples they have to offer) so that everyone has a chance to choose something. With over 1.6 million users, it’s only fair!


I am pretty excited to test out some of these fun samples sent to me, especially the nail polish (which was still available last I checked!). Asa already tested the Skinny Pop, and was a big fan; he dumped it on our couch while I was nursing Evie, and ate it like a dog. Skinny Pop = toddler-approved! Ha!

So if you, like me, are a fan of getting free stuff in boxes every week or so in the mail, have a go! PINCHme is definitely something I look forward to utilizing weekly, whether I’m looking to try a new Kuereg flavor, test out a baby product, or try a new brand of cosmetics.

If you sign up and are able to snag some samples, let me know what you think!

Happy testing!


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I was not monetarily compensated for this post, but received a fun box of deluxe samples in return for my opinions. I truly think PINCHme is a super cool idea, and will be using it as much as I can! Thank you, PINCHme for the opportunity to test some samples!

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