Fashion Magazine

PIN BOARDS // Inspiration for My Inspiration

By Erika Brechtel @smallshopstudio

I’ve got a photo shoot in a couple weeks for a new daily online magazine (yay!), so I’m scrambling to get a few projects done around the house. One is to get a pinboard up above my desk in my studio. I’m thinking large and in charge, which means it’s gonna take a lot of time to put it together — using what I have saved already, and looking for additions to fill in the blanks.

I realize that a pinboard is technically supposed to be random, collected-over-time inspiration, yet it seems like we often treat it like a major work of wall art! (At least I do!) So for inspiration for my inspiration board, I’m looking at these fab examples:

PIN BOARDS // Inspiration for My Inspiration

PIN BOARDS // Inspiration for My Inspiration

PIN BOARDS // Inspiration for My Inspiration

PIN BOARDS // Inspiration for My Inspiration

PIN BOARDS // Inspiration for My Inspiration

PIN BOARDS // Inspiration for My Inspiration

PIN BOARDS // Inspiration for My Inspiration


High coverage. Density. Overall color scheme. Variety of media. Variety of scale. Appearance of expansion. Got it. 

 Don’t let them fool you — these things don’t make themselves. ;o)

Oh, and progress on my daughter’s room: ordered her window seat pillows in the elephant John Robshaw print, and I’m picking up a vintage wicker headboard tomorrow!


PIN BOARDS // Inspiration for My Inspiration

Images: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7

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