
Pillow Top Definition – What Is a Pillow Top Mattress?

Posted on the 16 December 2019 by Charlene Farwell

Pillow top mattresses are quite common these days. The major difference that sets them apart from other mattresses is that they have an extra layer of padding. This layer is placed right on top of the mattress and gives it continuity with the mattress itself. The extra padding gives the pillow top an extra softness. The extra pillow-like structure is not removable and is stitched to the mattress.

The Better Sleep Council ranks the pillow top mattress among the top choices if you’re looking for a new mattress. Today we will discuss with you the details of pillow-like mattresses, what you need to know before buying one, if they're worth it, what are the pros and cons.

Who Is A Pillow Top Mattress Best Suited For?

Pillow top mattresses are best for people that usually look for a firm mattress without wanting to compromise on the soft feeling. This is generally suited for people with back problems because it helps to maintain a proper posture that helps people with back problems. Spine-Health suggests the consideration of a Pillow-top mattress if you’re a heavyweight sleeper and suffering from back pain.

People who have used pillow top mattresses may not like their name based on past experiences but it is important to remember that mattresses have changed and improved with time and the pillow top mattress is no different. The usage of a form of higher density and greater firmness means that even though you may have had a bad experience previously, you probably won't this time.

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What Factors Makes a Pillow Top Mattress So Special?

As per a research study conducted in America, 75% of the American people are suffering from sleep problems. Using a Pillow top mattress can be the solution to comfortable sleep because the Better Sleep Council recommends the pillow top mattress among the top mattress choices.

Pillow Top Mattresses are made of sturdy material but their quality may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. They feature a layer of extra padding that makes the mattress soft and gives added comfort. The fact that the upper layer is fixed, further means that it adds to the comfort of the mattress. The mattress can vary in thickness from about 28 cm to 35 cm. What truly takes the cake with a pillow top mattress is how glamorous and stylish they look. This added with the fact that they are exceptionally comfortable makes them a great choice for many people. It also provides the owner with a feel of luxury and decadence.

It may take some time to get used to the feeling of a pillow top mattress but once you are used to this mattress, it is truly exceptional. The fact that it has a fixed sewn pillow makes it great to use especially by people suffering from neck pain.

It helps to stabilize and support the neck through the night and helps the healing process. This is further supplemented if you use a medium-firm mattress. It helps to keep your neck and back straight and aligned. It is best to consult a doctor to find out if a pillow top mattress will suit your specific needs.

Learn more about Pillow Top Mattress if you want to see the details before purchasing.

How Long Does A Pillow Top Mattress Last?

How long does a pillow top mattress last depends on the manufacturer and the quality of the materials used in construction? But generally, a pillow top mattress can last you anywhere from 8-10 years.

Even though the mattress itself may last for up to a decade, its top layer may not last that long. In fact, you may have to replace it after just a few years of use. This is because it tends to compresses and depresses quite easily. This means that even if you opt-out of changing the top layer every few years, the support system under that layer remains perfectly intact.

If the top layer compresses or depresses, it may cause your mattress to lose its classic softness that the pillow tops are generally known for. This doesn't mean that it will start causing you problems. It remains sturdy and durable for its life of about 8-10 years. You will, however, need to change it after 10 years or it will start causing you neck and back problems.

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Cons of a Pillow Top Mattress

Everything has drawbacks and downside, we want to be honest with you and therefore, presenting the cons.

The first and, perhaps the most foreboding of all, is the price. Pillow top mattresses tend to be in the higher price range. And despite being pricier than other mattresses available in the market, they tend to have a shorter lifespan. Of course, the lifespan of a mattress may vary from company to company but generally, the pillow top mattress doesn't last as long as it's counterparts. This is a huge drawback for customers because they are paying more for a mattress that lasts just as long as a cheaper mattress.

Another drawback of the pillow top mattress is the fact that it can't be turned over. It is simply a one-sided mattress that cannot be turned no matter how long it is used. It also means that eventually, as the top layers start to compress, you will have to get that top layer replaced for the same comfortable night's sleep. Research Triangle International has conducted a study on how to choose mattress (based on 16,000 nights and 128 people) has revealed that even small changes in mattress support (firm, medium, soft,) can affect a person’s sleep.

What to Know Before Buying a Pillow Top Mattress

When going to buy a pillow top mattress, it is best to make sure what you and your body really need out of the mattress. Obviously, if you're buying it for neck and back pains, you need to opt for a firmer mattress. So make sure to buy one that suits your needs perfectly.

You should also keep in mind that after a while the top layer may go bad. So you should keep an eye out for layers that you may be able to buy separately later as the need may be. It is best to keep in mind where you may be able to find them. As per sleep expert, Micheal Breus, Ph.D. “Pillows highly impact the quality of the sleep, it plays a vital role in determining the factor of healthful rest and recharge.”

Pillow Top Mattress buying guide

See our in-depth The Difference between a Pillow Top and Euro Top Mattress overview here.


To sum up, the pillow top mattresses available today are nothing like the ones that you may have bought in the past 5-10 years. It is, however, best to make sure that you know why you are buying a pillow top mattress. They are best suited for people with neck and back pains. They help to maintain a comfortable and good posture that further helps in healing. You should thus make sure that the pillow top mattress you buy fits your needs above all else. Comfort is key!

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