Art & Design Magazine

Picture This: Conservation Lab Examines Community's Art

By Americanart

Conservators examine a Nevelson sculpture

Conservator Helen Ingalls examines a Louise Nevelson sculpture.

American Art holds monthly conservation clinics in its Lunder Conservation Center, during which conservators evaluate the condition of and provide care recommendations for visitor-owned artworks. In January, objects conservators Helen Ingalls and Hugh Shockey examined several sculptures, objects d'art, and decorative art pieces owned by members of the local community.

One small box sculpture by Louise Nevelson was found to be in beautiful condition. The painted wooden sculpture made of composite found objects including furniture parts, sewing spools and cork, appeared to have not been touched since it left the artist's studio about 30 years ago. Conservators were able to recommend how the object could be dusted safely as well as what materials would be best for supporting the object while it is displayed and stored.

Take a look at the work of Louise Nevelson in the collection of American Art.

Have questions about the condition of a painting, frame, drawing, print or object that you own? Our conservators are available by appointment to consult with you about the preservation of your art. To request an appointment or to learn more, email [email protected] and specify CLINIC in the subject line.

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