Art & Design Magazine

Picture This: An Iconic Artwork by Alfredo Jaar

By Americanart

Alfredo Jaar

Alfredo Jaar's Life Magazine April 19, 1968, © Alfredo Jaar, Courtesy Galerie Lelong, New York

A few days ago, The Washington Post published an article about an iconic artwork by Alfredo Jaar: Life Magazine April 19, 1968. Jaar took a photograph of Martin Luther King's funeral from an issue of Life magazine and graphically depicted African Americans walking in the crowd behind King's coffin. Next to it he showed whites in that same crowd. His triptych both simplifies and comments on America at the time of Martin Luther King's death in 1968.

If you would like to see the piece it is part of American Art's collection and hangs in the Lincoln Gallery on the third floor of our building.

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