Religion Magazine
If it is difficult to see, this is a man in a supermarket in Bnei Braq doing his shopping for Shabbos. He built for himself a cage on wheels in which he walks while doing his shopping. When asked what this is all about, his response was that he did this out of concern of walking in between two women, which a man is not supposed to do, and he came up with this solution.
I am not quite sure how this solves the problem, but I think he is considering himself in his own domain because of the cage, so even if he walks in between two women, he is not really in between them because of the cage. That is my guess.
Seems harmless but kooky. It kind of reminds me of the guy photographed on an airplane in a big plastic bag, or the guy in the body bag, because he was a kohen and the plane supposedly flew over a cemetery.
Here is some video of this guy..
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