Religion Magazine
this picture was taken by a student in the hesder yeshiva of Bet El. The student wrote that often guests come in to the yeshiva, and frequently the guests are former students. These two soldiers had been on duty in the area and at the end of their long day they came in to the yeshiva , in full gear, and sat down to learn - one of them even holding his radio device in case he would need to be ready to go at moment's notice...
the picture was publicized by Yedidya Meir in the Basheva newspaper, and then the rosh yeshiva of the hesder yeshva of Holon called him to tell him that these boys are from his yeshiva, but, he said, he is not calling to brag to show what he produced, as all the credit goes to the boys alone. The rosh yeshiva said it is important for everyone to know what type of people, what fruits are blossoming, the yeshivot hesder are producing...
posted by Yedidya Meir online
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