The interior
Beef Pho, Php 179 regular / Php 229 large
Somehow this regular bowl of pho with beef is somewhat a disappointment in the flavor department. It lacks that oomph that I love from the beef pho served by Vietnamese immigrants in Palawan. Pho 24's tender beef meat and tripe lack flavor, and the broth itself needs a lot of Asian spices. Seriously, anyone who visits Palawan should look for Vietnamese eateries. The noodles alone taste good.
Grilled pork with fried spring rolls, Php 169
Now this grilled pork dish is fantastic. The pho pales in comparison to this dish, with the juicy grilled pork and deep fried spring rolls. After pouring the tangy peanut-infused sauce, you should mix up the bowl to reveal the vermicelli noodles and finish the entire bowl. That's what I did. The grilled pork is very tender and tasty.
Drinks are available as add-ons, with the regular soda or iced tea at Php20 and the large ones at Php30. The red iced tea tastes like Lipton red iced tea, which is great! Hot tip: if you want to make red iced tea at home, you can just mix regular iced tea with grenadine.
Price: Php 200 - 350 per meal
Rating: Three out of five stars
Location: Libis