
PH Level of Drinking Water – Everything You Need to Know

Posted on the 09 May 2021 by Charlene Farwell

You drink water daily and yet most people don't know what is in the water. It is natural to assume that the water from your faucet is safe to drink as it has been treated at your local treatment center.

But, the simple truth is that this only deals with bacteria and debris. In truth, this isn't even that effective an approach.

The treatment works doesn't look at the pH of the water.

What Is pH?

PH Level of Drinking Water – Everything You Need to Know

The pH of water is simply a definition of how acidic or alkaline your water is. The pH scale goes from zero to fourteen, the lower numbers indicate acidic water, and the higher ones show the water is more alkaline. Neutral water is considered to be pH 7.

Although not often discussed, the pH of water is important, it directly influences how soluble compounds are in water. For example, heavy metals which are often present in water become more soluble at lower pH levels, this increases the toxicity of the water and the need for a good quality reverse osmosis filter. You should note that heavy metals accumulate in the body and do damage over the long term.

The Right pH Level

PH Level of Drinking Water – Everything You Need to Know

The best pH level for the human body is between 6.5 and 8.5. Anything below 6.5 is acidic and is generally considered corrosive. This means it has the potential to do damage to your household plumbing systems as well as potential harm to your body.

Should the pH be above 8.5 then it is considered alkaline which has a less detrimental effect on your body but is still likely to knock your system out of balance. The human body is carefully balanced and maintained that way, drinking too acidic or too alkaline water can damage that balance and cause you digestive issues.

It is worth noting that anything over 8.5 pH is considered to be hard water. This is when it has an excessive amount of minerals that can bond together and cause clogs inside your plumbing appliances and pipes. It can also cause problems inside the human body.

Below 6.5 pH, the water is considered soft. It is easier to get a lather with but more likely to give you acid reflux. Acidic water is likely to be high in copper, lead, zinc, and iron. These are all dangerous if consumed in the long term.

What To Do About Your Water

PH Level of Drinking Water – Everything You Need to Know

Reverse osmosis filters remove the minerals and soften hard water, bringing the pH down to acceptable levels. It is also possible to filter out heavy metals and add minerals in to make soft water harder. You should be drinking water between 6.5 and 8.5 to help your body stay strong and healthy.

The best thing you can do is to have your water tested today and then speak to the water filter company regarding the best solution for your system. You will notice the difference in taste and even the odor of your water. More importantly, you can be assured the pH is right, making it great for your body.

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