Penn National Gaming wants you to believe gambling will bring prosperity to PGCo, Fairmont Heights, MD residents fighting off prostitutes, Capitol Heights hotel gets $6.7 million in loan, Hank Williams Jr. half apologizes for likening the President to Hitler
According to an assumptive study penned by Bowie State University economist LaTanya Brown-Robertson, a revamped Rosecroft Raceway “could produce 7,636 jobs during its construction and operation phases and generate more than $415 million in new annual tax revenue — about $376 million a year for the state and $40 million for Prince George’s County.” I say PHOOEY! How many gaming based economies produce great roads, schools, and prosperous neighborhoods? Atlantic City? Las Vegas? Charleston, WV?
- Story Here
Councilwoman Andrea Harrison (D-Bladensburg) has proposed legislation that would create zones in the county that strictly enforce prostitution laws, similar to that of drug free zones. The Councilwoman details how prostitutes and their whore-clients traipse about in their neighborhood while soliciting, leave behind used condoms, and are seen by children and residents engaging in prostitution.
Country Inn and Suites in Capitol Heights has received a hefty $6.7 million to refinance their loan, which had matured. I’m no finance guru so read the story for yourself.
- Is this a decent hotel?
I never want to hear “Are You Ready for Some Football” again. I’m sick of H. Williams Jr. and his ilk hiding behind a bad economy as justification for their racist rants.
- Hit that pocket