What better a way to teach children about different animal species than to have the animals in the classroom? Not only can kids learn about them, their development and biology, but they can learn how to care for them as pets and, most of all, to respect them. A non-profit, charitable organization, The Pet Care Trust, has been promoting public understanding of pets since 1990, and one of its newer programs, Pets In The Classroom, is trying to get more classrooms involved.

Pets In The Classroom, now three years old, has provided more than 13,000 grants for small pets and supplies for kindergarten through eighth grade classrooms, especially where money is not available to support such programs in the schools. To take the burden off the teacher, who often ends up paying for the pet, and associated cage, food, toys, etc., out of his or her own pocket, the Trust makes direct no-hassle grants to the teacher.
Right now, the Trust is only half way to its goal. With two new campaigns, Tell a Teacher and Sponsor a Teacher, the Trust is hoping to spread the word and spread this valuable education too.
Tell a Teacher simply asks you to fill out a form that asks the Trust to email information about the program to a teacher or teachers you know. Maybe your children's teachers, for example. Sponsor a Teacher allows you to make a tax-deductible donation to sponsor one or more teachers to be part of the Pets In The Classroom program. Generally, each sponsorship costs around $150.
To learn more about the Pets in the Classroom program, visit the Pets in the Classroom website.
Pets in the Classroom via Pet Product News