Fashion Magazine

Petite Joys

By Winyeemichelle
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Petite joys

Petite joys

Ten tiny details that've made my week great.
There’s a lot to be said for appreciating the smaller, not necessarily finer details of the everyday mundane. After a particularly sombre fortnight in Britain, I thought it was about time I reclaimed my 'happy' and focused on the littlest good in everyday, simultaneously burying my head in the metaphorical sand on the news front.
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一. An afternoon with my gang! A couple of weeks ago, the girls (Hannah, Sophie, Sarah and Lily) and I booked ourselves a table for the Hello Kitty afternoon tea at Cutter & Squidge in Soho and it certainly didn’t disappoint! By now you’re probably familiar with my penchant *cough* obsession *cough* for Hello Kitty, so of course it was a must. And I’ve got to say, an afternoon full of adorable eats, good tea and even better company is the best pick-me-up. Nothing better than these girls.
Petite joys Petite joys

二. Returning home to my beaming puppy on Thursday nights. I spend two days a week in London these days for a mini fake weekend and, whilst I don’t like goodbyes, it does mean I return home to an excitable puppy who can’t wait to see me! My gosh, it is so rewarding having a puppy. Milo, you’re the best.
三. Cutting my morning toast into faux toast ends. It’s truly the little things.
四. Sorbet skies. Each time I zip home on a train, I marvel at the English skies. It’s an odd sort of comment to make I suppose, but one of the things I missed most whilst living in smoggy humid Hong Kong was the beautiful, changeable skies of England.
五. Scrolling through my travel photos from Tokyo.
Petite joys Petite joys

六. Crosstown Doughnuts! I bloody love these doughnuts after sampling some with Sarah in Farringdon and there’s currently a stand in Westfield Stratford. We picked up two Glazed Cinnamon Scroll doughnuts last week and they were the perfect touch to a perfect faux weekend.
七. Having the time to enjoy an entire fresh cup of tea. Truly! No breaks, no setting the mug down multiple times.
八. Twice-weekly at-home pamper sessions with Aesop’s Parsley Seed Facial Cleansing Masque as the focal point.
Petite joys Petite joys

九. Cuddles with our neighbour’s beautiful cat. She’s perfect!
十. Making plenty of plans with family and friends for the summer. Eek!
What are some of your petite joys?

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