As you may have seen I hosted the ultimate blogger event at the new Peter Pizzeria in Leicester, the best thing to hit Leicester (in my opinion) for a long time and somewhat well overdue. The new Peter Pizzeria in Leicester is the latest addition from the ever popular Peter Pizzeria in Loughborough, so to bring up to speed before I no doubt review the Leicester branch here is an overview of the classic Loughborough Peter Pizzeria.

I've been in many, many times for various social events to even just popping in for a good Italian coffee! It is the most quirky, fun and uber trendy place on the Loughborough map and in my eyes, you can't visit Loughborough without going to visit Peter.
You're right... it is pizza but not just any pizza I swear I've never had any pizza quite as tasty. Having been a number of times I can see a great deal on consistency from each visit. The staff have great customer service skills, the chefs clearly feel comfortable with the abilities (plus they're actually Italian!), meaning each time even though I say to myself I'll only have a little bit of pizza I somehow manage to gobble the lot!

I want to head over to the Leicester branch to enjoy a meal without hosting a blogger event, which no doubt I'll tell you all about after my wedding... when I'm allowing myself to eat pizza so stay tuned for that. Peter in Loughborough took
residence at what was an old pub (which feels like forever ago), and Peter and That's Enough was the latest hotspot on the Loughborough map and I couldn't wait to check it out. On this particular visit my fiance and I decided to head out for an informal pizza stop.
The design and layout of the place is the first thing that will catch your eye, I can't even really put into words how quirky it is but there is lot to keep you visually interested. Exposed brick, classical movie art, diverse pieces such as concrete chairs, then a combination of modern and rustic pieces, the look really goes to town which certainly sets it apart from anything else. There are group tables for big get togethers then ones for those after a quiet bite to eat, meaning Peter is the food hub that caters for every social situation.

Looking at the menu you can feel spoilt for choice but there isn't too much to make the decision making process too hard. There are plenty of varieties of pizza with one being a white pizza for a healthier option. From what I gather the staff are very flexible to keep customers happy so will adapt their creations, which for me is a sure sign that the customer does come first. From my very first visit I immediately realised this was no 'try hard' pizza restaurant, it was Italian run and true to being Italian.

For this particular occasion we started with little nibbles which is perfect if you're going to be eating a carb dominating meal, however there are plenty of starters on the menu to sink your teeth into such as foccaca and brushette. I'll be honest I've only had olives for a starter because I like to save myself for the main course, but friends I've dined with have and each have raved about how good it's been.

Each time I visit I always try to select something different to taste but I must admit my favorite is a sourdough pizza with cured chorizo, gorgonzola and mozzarella, it's delicious and I believe this is mainly down to the sourdough base that the Italian chefs make in house. Even though the menu is limited it clearly shows that they take time and effort into what they do make, a big winner in my eyes because it truly pays off.

My other half always liked to go for the tomato, chopped & sliced black truffle, spinach leaves and parmesan shavings pizza. Prices range from £5.00-£7.50 so it's a happy treat that doesn't break the bank, perfect for freelance writer like me!
Delicious pizza and smooth red wine are the perfect partners in crime for any Peter experience, and I highly recommend trying it. You can actually purchase Italian sourced products on site, such as north western Italian wines like Barbera D'Alba Doc and Vino Rosato Rose but also truffles and pesto. Peter and That's Enough is very proud of it's Italian blood, which I think is really refreshing to see such a passionate place in Loughborough.

Flavour, texture and utter taste bud heaven are the three key things that spring to mind when I think about visiting Peter Pizzeria Loughborough. I have been so many times I'm losing count, but I can hand on heart say If you're looking for simple, tasty, well-made pizzas and other italian inspired food then you must visit Peter... It's not just Pizza it's so much more.
Oh and word on the grapevine is there is a new lunchtime menu you coming soon.... bloggers, lunch anyone?