It's that time of year again. Parasite season! I have a lot of fun doing the social media for the Pembroke Animal Hospital (PAH) and every once in a while I like to share some things I create. The information in these posts was provided by My Vet Store and I just love the three pets in these graphics so much- one especially because she's mine! I'm sure you recognize Keira my Saint Bernese. You may even recognize my buddy Waldo from the North Fetch post. Bruce is a friends cat and although we haven't met in person I have seen many pictures he looks like a cool dude. Check out the PAH Facebook posts I created for parasite season and protect your pet! Prevention is the best medicine!

Photos by Stacey McIntyre-Gonzalez

What type of prevention do you use for your pet? Tweet me! @PawsForReaction
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Check out the Pembroke Animal Hospital!