Random Magazine

Pet Names: You’ve Purchased a Plucky Little Pup — Now What?

By Generatorland @generatorland
Dog Name

I want to lick your face so much it's made me sad.

It started one day when your kids visited their friend’s house and met their rambunctious little family friend “Jake,” possibly the cutest puppy yet produced on Earth (according to reliable sources). Since then it’s been an endless refrain of “Can we get a dog? Can we get a dog? Can we get a dog?” Finally you break down, visit the local animal shelter or pet store and adopt a little pup for the family.

Once you get home, the first question will be “What’s his name? What’s his name? What’s his name?” Maybe he doesn’t have one, maybe you forgot it on the way home because you also stopped at Sears to check out gas grills and then Taco Bell for lunch. Either way, you’d better come up with something quick.

Just gather the family around our new Dog Name Generator and keep clicking until you get consensus. We’ve stuffed it with over 3,000 dog names so there’s plenty to choose from. You can thank us later.

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