Diaries Magazine

Perfect Pancakes!

By Sparklesandstretchmarks @raine_fairy
Perfect Pancakes!
A little while ago, this rather lovely looking package arrived on my door from the ever-so-kind people at Morrisons
With pancake day approaching, they had sent us a selection of goodies to get busy and creative making some delicious pancakes!
I have always LOVED Pancake Day (or Shrove Tuesday, rather!) so I was very excited to get started and to introduce Tyne to the wonderful world of pancakes!
Perfect Pancakes!
In the package was:
*A whisk*A juicing tool*Lemons*Chocolate spread*Wooden spoons*Honey*Sugar*Chocolate Spread*And...of course...pancake batter mix!
Perfect Pancakes!
So off we went to set about making some yummy pancakes!
Perfect Pancakes!
I was slightly worried at first as while they were cooking, they seemed to resemble chapati's more than pancakes!
Perfect Pancakes!
But a bit of flipping later (I managed 12 flips in a row, just FYI!) they looked perfect and we were ready to start filling them!
Perfect Pancakes!
We experimented with a few different fillings (though neither of us are big fans of honey so we left that alone!),  but my personal favourites were chocolate spread (it may not look appetising but it was a gooey delicious chocolatey mess!)
Perfect Pancakes!
And good old fashioned lemon and sugar!  My all time favourite!
Tyne definitely seemed to prefer the chocolate ones, as did Jon.
I'd love to know what your favorite pancake fillings are as I fancy being adventurous when pancake day rolls around on 4th March (that's TOMORROW folks!)
Whatever you do people - don't forget your pancake essentials from Morrisons - Enjoy!
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