Fashion Magazine

Perfect Clarity

By Blueoctober @blueoctober__
perfect clarity
Another chilled week for me... I went back to work after the Christmas break which was painful to say the least! Luckily it's exam time for the students which gives me a bit more time to sort things out, but the early (and pitch black!) mornings have been a shock to the system. On Friday night I had a much deserved night out with the girls, followed by the obligatory hangover on Saturday. I just can't handle my voddie these days! Kat helped me try out my new heated rollers, which looked fab initially but the curl dropped pretty quickly. They were great to give a bit of volume however - I find it so hard to give my hair that lift it needs. I'm going to try them on wet hair next time to see if it's a bit more long lasting.  I went to the cinema twice this week; once with Kat to see Pitch Perfect which was pretty hilarious, and super cheesy as expected. For those who have seen it - Fat Amy, that is all! And then I went again yesterday to see the Hobbit with Rich at our local Odeon. The film was great but I can safely say I will never go to the cinema on a Sunday afternoon again - so many irritating, loud, obnoxious teenagers who ruined the first hour of the film. Both the row in front of us and the row behind us spent the majority of the first hour chatting, rustling around with food, phones ringing and annoying giggling. Several people asked them to be quiet, which was met with even more giggling, and there were no members of staff to be found - very annoying when you've paid the best part of £20 to be there! Luckily they left mid way through (weird) meaning we could get back to enjoying the film. Nandos helped to ease the pain a little!On Sunday Rich and I realised we had completely forgotten about our six year anniversary during the week, even after discussing what we'd do to celebrate several times... doh! So on Saturday night we bought an M&S dine in for two thing and enjoyed a relaxed evening at home. We watched World Without End on Channel 4 which I thought was pretty good, looking forward to see what the series will bring. Definitely one for those into Game of Thrones and the like!You can follow me on instagram here!

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