Have you watched Premium Rush Movie yet starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt who portrayed “Wilee” the best of New York’s agile and aggressive bicycle messengers who uses a fixie bike to deliver courier?
It takes a special breed to ride the fixie – super lightweight, single-gear bikes with no brakes and riders who are equal part skilled cyclists and nutcases who risk becoming a smear on the pavement every time they head into traffic.
I must tell you, I love this movie and I can’t help myself but to watch it every time I’m at home and doing nothing aside from riding my bike and oh I like Kevin Bacon’s “QuickSilver” movie too, he portrayed a stock broker turned bike messenger.
Photo c/o Sony Pictures

Well, well, well if you haven’t watch it now and for those who did, don’t you know that we do have the same bike courier service here in Metro Manila, yes, you read this right, they call themselves Pedal Express, they Pick Up and Deliver on the same day service. Check out the poster below for more details.
Photo c/o Pedal Express

Bike Courier in Metro Manila, Philippines!
Fast. Reliable. Green.
Call 631-4746 or Email PedalExpressPH@yahoo.com