Telugu star actor and politician, Pawan Kalyan seems back as a police cop role in the upcoming film project. On the occasion of Dussehra on Sunday, Oct 25, Sithara Entertainment production house announced its 12th project, Production no 12, with Pawan in the lead role in the upcoming untitled film. The actor will play a high-voltage cop in the film, which is to be directed by Saagar K Chandra. The teaser of his next film says “favourite cop of Telugu cinema is back in a high voltage role.”
Movie critic and biz analyst Taran Adarsh tweeted this news update through his Twitter handle, “PAWAN KALYAN… On the auspicious occasion of #Dussehra, here’s a BIGGG ANNOUNCEMENT… #PawanKalyan in Sithara Entertainment’s Prod No 12 [not titled yet]… Directed by Saagar K Chandra… Produced by Suryadevara Naga Vamsi… Music by Thaman S. #HappyDussehra.”
Sagar K Chandra is an Indian film director, who has worked predominantly in Telugu movie industry. Sagar K has worked in popular movies like Appatlo Okadundevadu, Ayyare. Sagar K’s previous film to hit the theatres was Appatlo Okadundevadu in the year 2016.
The teaser of Pawan Kalyan’s upcoming movie shows tagline, “favourite cop of Telugu cinema is back in a high voltage role.”
The film is directed by Saagar K Chandra, while produced by Suryadevara Naga Vamsi. Music has been given by Thaman S.
Let you know, the star actor Pawan Kalyan can also be seen in Sriram Venu’s directorial Vakeel Saab, which is the Telugu remake of Bollywood hit, Pink (2016), starring Amitabh Bachchan, Taapsee Pannu. Pawan has played the role of a lawyer in the film.
The actor was last seen in Trivikram Srinivas’ action drama Agnyaathavaasi, which was a superhit film, released two years ago in 2018.
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