This January on The Daily Constitutional I'm revisiting some step-counting apps. Many of you will be using a step counter app as part of your January fitness regime. I'm out-and-about most days, up on my hind legs leading tours so here are a few road/pavement test results to help when you're trying to find the right app for you…
Today I'm sharing my experience with Map My Walk… Back to Basics
This one was recommended to me by Rebecca P from Perth WA…

As discussed earlier in this series, what I need from a step counter is something that can be switched on AND off. I want to measure the individual routes of my walking tours – I'm curious about the health benefits for starters. But I'm sometimes asked at the start of my tours, "How far will we be walking?" I just think that being able to reply, "1.37 miles/2.2 Kilometers," is a better answer than "Oh, not very far."
Besides, it's handy info for a London tour guide to have at his fingertips – time and distance stats.

Map My Walk is as fancy or as simple as you want it to be. It has GPS mapping facilities and a setting to play your favorite music while walking. There are a number of features that can be "unlocked" by paying for the premium app - such as weather conditions – but the app works perfectly well on the basic, free download.
Each individual walk - or workout as its termed in the app – can be recorded, stored and shared to social media if you so choose. The stats are presented really clearly.
The only thing preventing me from ditching my current app of choice, iSteps, is familiarity. My current app works well and is easy to use. But if the developers of iSteps were ever to abandon the app again - as they did for a period last year, rendering it useless with the new OS – then this would be my first stop for a substitute.
Versatility is the Key
Reasons for adopting this one as your first step counter? In a word, versatility. The basic features are great and there's the option to get your tech geek on with the Premium features should you so choose.
Thanks for the recommendation Rebecca! Map My Walk gets ★★★★★ from me. A GREAT step counter.
My Public Scheduled Tours for January 2020
16th January 2020 – Inside Covent Garden – 10am Covent Garden Tube
16th January 2020 – Old Kensington – 2pm High Street Kensington Tube
18th January 2020 – London Horror Story – 7.30pm St Paul's Tube
30th January 2020 – Old Kensington – 2pm High Street Kensington Tube
30th January 2020 – Jack The Ripper – 7.30pm Tower Hill Tube (by the tram)
31st January 2020 – Beatlemania! The Beatles In London 1961-65 – 10am Embankment tube
31st January 2020 – Rock'n'Roll London – 2pm Tottenham Court Road Tube (exit 1)
My Public Scheduled Tours for February 2020
1st February 2020 – London Horror Story – 7.30pm St Paul's Tube
2nd February 2020 – Beatlemania! The Beatles In London 1961-65 – 10am Embankment tube
13th February 2020 – Inside Covent Garden – 10am Covent Garden Tube
13th February 2020 – Old Kensington – 2pm High Street Kensington Tube
13th February 2020 – Jack The Ripper – 7.30pm Tower Hill Tube (by the tram)
14th February 2020 – Beatlemania! The Beatles In London 1961-65 – 10am Embankment tube
14th February 2020 – Rock'n'Roll London – 2pm Tottenham Court Road Tube (exit 1)
15th February 2020 – Beatlemania! The Beatles In London 1961-65 – 10am Embankment tube
27th February 2020 – London Horror Story – 7.30pm St Paul's Tube
27th February 2020 – Old Kensington – 2pm High Street Kensington Tube
27th February 2020 – Jack The Ripper – 7.30pm Tower Hill Tube (by the tram)
28th February 2020 – Beatlemania! The Beatles In London 1961-65 – 10am Embankment tube
28th February 2020 – Rock'n'Roll London – 2pm Tottenham Court Road Tube (exit 1)
29th February 2020 – The Beatles + The Rolling Stones in 1960s London – 10.30am Leicester Sq Tube (exit 1)
29th February 2020 – London Horror Story – 7.30pm St Paul's Tube

Keep In Touch…