Community Magazine

Patchwork Country Fitness

By Thegenaboveme @TheGenAboveMe

Patchwork Country Fitness

Yoga Class at Hub City Art Gallery
in Mount Pleasant, Utah

I knew that I would have an adjustment moving to a rural county in Utah.  The whole county only has 29,000 residents, and many of the people here work in agriculture, so they get plenty of exercise at work. Many of the women raise a half dozen or so children, chickens, and goats. Additionally, many keep a garden--which is also requires significant physical exertion.  Others have modest household incomes, so joining a gym is a luxury they usually don't pursue.

One of the big changes is the availability of places for pursing fitness. I was spoiled for the last 15 years by living in cities that had a local YMCA equipped not only with cardio machines but with dozens of weekly classes. 

Patchwork Country Fitness

Snow College Fitness Center & Ephraim Canyon

Since arriving in late December of 2023, I have been surveying the available options: 

  • The local college (Snow College) has a fitness center with weights and cardio machines. They also have a pool across the street in the same building that houses the basketball court. 
  • The university allows people to audit physical education classes--including clogging, Zumba, Tai Chi, strength training, swimming, and much more--after full-time students finish enrolling. 
  • The town has a private gym with memberships available. Many of the patrons are under 30, so it doesn't match my vibe. 
  • There are several women who offer free classes at their homes or at their local church buildings. I have been attending yoga, Tai Chi, and grounding classes in Spring City; dance fitness in Ephraim, and a mix of yoga, dance, and Pilates in Manti. 
  • Hub City Gallery in Mount Pleasant (in the City Hall building) rents out space to fitness instructors, who charge either $5 or $10 a class. I have attended Tai Chi, yoga, and Pilates classes there.  (Photo above)
  • A group of women ages 35 - 75 hike up the Ephraim Canyon or in the foothills (depending on the time of year. 
  • Gunnison has a dance studio that offers an aerial yoga class on Tuesday nights. 

Patchwork Country Fitness

Dance Class Students
at the Ephraim LDS NW Church Building

Patchwork Country Fitness

Yoga Class Students
at the Manti "Red Church"

I'm still establishing my fitness routine, which will include a patchwork of classes from across the valley. I want to participate in several types of fitness for three reasons: One, cross training helps work several muscles of the body and helps with cognition. Two, I get to meet people from all over the county. And, Three, this helps me from getting bored. 
Sometimes I really mourn the loss of attending the YMCA in Evansville, Indiana, but I am trying to embrace the opportunities afforded me here.  For example, I will often leave a fitness class with a gift of a dozen eggs by women who raise chickens. That's a fun benefit of country living. 

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