
Pastor AR Bernard, who pastors the 40,000 member Christian Cultural Center In New York, appeared on Super Soul Sunday with Oprah this past week. While on the show, Bernard, who is also the author of ‘Four Things Women Want From A Man’ explained to Oprah that he use to put his wife second, behind ministry, until he realized her role in his life.

AR Bernard then explained to Oprah that he watched the interviews that she has done over the years, where she asks the question,”What is the lesson it took the longest for you to learn.”
Bernard then reveals that for him, it was appreciating and understanding his wife’s role and value in his life.
AR Bernard went on to share that he committed the sin of transposition, where you put things that should be second first. Explaining that he put ministry before his wife, and that it really hurt and depreciated her.
“Whatever you depreciate in life decreases in value”
Bernard went on to say that he had to make those adjustments.
Truth is a lot of leaders in the church and in corporate America struggle with this very thing.
Check out the video below: