I have quite a few hobbies that I enjoy and occupy myself with from time to time when I have time or am in the mood.
I learned to crochet at nine or ten years of age. Knitting was too complicated at the time as I preferred to use only one needle to creatively loop yarn.
Crocheting was an activity I enjoyed during my teenage years too.
It is fun coming up with ideas to experiment with different patterns in addition to shopping through arts and craft stores to look over various colors, styles, and textures of yarn.
Very cute and useful household items or homemade gifts tend to result from the inventiveness brought forth by craft.
One, and many have already, can make a professional business out of designing materials made out by hand.
My mother had crocheted me a beautiful baby blanket when I was an infant. My mother also knew how to sow professionally and put together a fantastic, lovely dress she manufactured totally on her own with her sowing machine- she was a woman of multi-talent.
Till this day, I am still fond of crochet. I also love needlepoint stitchery.