Politics Magazine

Pass the KY Stratford Taxpayers, the Screwing Continues!

Posted on the 11 May 2016 by Jezebel282


November, just six months ago.  How fast some new members of the Town Council forgot their promises and really gave the taxpayers a screwing, and again, no KY!

Last year, we had a backroom deal made by four Republican members of the BOE Board.  They made a deal with the Mayor to compromise on the BOE budget.  This time around, we got screwed by the Council Chair, Beth Daponte.   At times, she appears completely confused, shaking her head like she’s waiting for an answer from up above.  Ms. Daponte, you lied to your constituents!  Along with you Councilmen Vincent Chase, Allan Llewelyn, Phil Young and Dave Harden.

So many people stood up for Vincent Chase with the attempts to take his Colonial Square property for the Mayor’s “baby” – TOD.  He slapped his constituents in the face last night.

Beth Daponte promised a “results-based budgeting approach” and indicated that “a results-based budgeting approach will decrease opportunities for political patronage to bloat the budget.”  So much for that!  We’re going to have to deal with so much more “bloat” over the next year and I wonder how many more “for sale” signs will be popping up over the next few weeks!  I won’t even say months, because I really think people are fed up.  Heck, Donald Trump just might be our next POTUS, I’d say “fed up” goes far beyond Stratford.

Allan Llewelyn, his game is all about Stratford High School.  He’s in this for something, what oh what could it be?

Phil Young and Dave Harden are political newbies and just following orders.  I’m surprised with Dave Harden though.  District 4 has so many people who need help.  I’d say they were slapped in the face too.

Recall talk is all a buzz around Town today.  Could Stratford taxpayers make history again?  All within a year?

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