Elliott LOVES Super Mario Bros., so there was no better way to celebrate his 6th birthday than with a Super Mario party. The invitations were double slider cards based on this tutorial by thenorsugirl. A little pull on the card and the 1UP slides out.

For decorations, yellow plastic plates, hot glue and fishing line became a coin garland. Yellow and maroon wrapping paper helped turn boxes into coin and bricks blocks , which were also used for a party game. Balloons and white labels turned into chomps and piranha plants. The fabric backdrop was inspired by the one made by Chica and Jo and we used the amazing goomba template from their site.

For the snacks and treats, we used containers that looked like Super Mario items. Round boxes were painted green to look like the pipes in the game. Juice boxes were wrapped in the same maroon paper as the boxes and stacked to look like brick blocks. And mini coin blocks were created with card stock.

Treats included piranha plant pops, chips, a Mario cake from Cupcake Cafe and

amazing cake pops from Pop-N-Stuff NYC. (Full disclosure: Rita is a friend, but the fact that these are the first Mario-themed pops she’s ever made show how amazing her work is.)

For activities, the kids played “Chomp Bop,” which was just the kids running around keeping the Chomps off the ground and also bopping each other with balloons.

Next, the kids played “Pass the Power-ups” by breaking up into two teams and using spoons to pass each other little wooden mushrooms.

To calm them down a bit, the next activity was “Design a Mario Kart.” The kids quietly decorated wooden cars with markers.

Finally, they played “Pick A Coin” where they picked a “coin” that contained a Super Mario character figure.

Then it was time for cake!

posted on 13 December at 23:17
Hi.I'm having my sons bday in a week. I want to find out where or how you got the super mario blocks.thank you.