Party Like a Princess: Ten Ways to Celebrate
National Princess Week with Your Own Little Lord or Lady
Just in time for National Princess Week (which takes place from April 21 to 27),
a real-life princess—Cici the Polka Dot Princess—shares ten ways to
celebrate with your own little royals that are both fun and meaningful.

Celebrate National Princess Week. If you have a pint-sized princess at your house, this can be the perfect opportunity to bust out the dress-up clothes and fine china and celebrate in true royal fashion. And while the word “princess” conjures images of tiaras and tea parties (and rightfully so), there are some important lessons that can be learned from what it truly means to be a princess.
Host a royal tea party. Princesses and tea parties go paw in paw. This is also a great chance to help your canine navigate through some important social skills. Help them to craft an invite list for the party and manage the details of the party, down to the table settings and menu. Be sure to make some yummy t-bone cookies and cakes for the guests.
“Be a gracious hostess— include everyone and make sure that all the guests are taken care of and enjoying themselves. These are life skills she will use time and time again!”
Wear your tiara to the party, dog park and beach!. Every princess needs a tiara, and celebrating National Princess Week is the perfect excuse to shine! Whether you are wearing a sparkly number or one crafted from paper and glue, wear it at the mall shopping, around the house, in the yard, at the dog park or wherever! Take lots of photos of your princess in her tiara to remind them of how very special they are. Woof woof woof !!!
Step out in style. While the clothes don’t make the princess (just ask Cinderella and Snow White!), you should take pride in your appearance and how you present yourself to the world. Pull out your best princess outfits and flaunt them proudly this week. Who says you can’t wear a ball, a gown, and/or drink out of a red slipper while lounging on the couch?
Fundraise for homeless princesses and princes. Make a big day of it—wear your fancy dresses, serve your chicken and turkey treats in fine china and your water in champagne glasses. Have a kissing booth for princesses to kiss frogs, best dressed princess and other fun contests.
Sniff out your best manners. Focus on manners, etiquette, and politeness. Dog trainers, groomers and vets make all the guests feel welcome, special, and valued. Learning royal manners will help homeless princes and princesses to get adopted.
Design your family crest. Consider creating a family crest with your little royals pawtographs on them. You can sell the photos of princesses in full garb and the family crest photos. Your family’s identity, values, and goals should be represented on the crest. Using whatever materials you have on hand, design a crest your family can be proud of. Hang it in a prominent location as a reminder to every family member of what you stand for.
Take some time to appreciate the arts. A proper princess has an appreciation for the arts—and developing that love starts at a young age. Take some time during this week to introduce your little one to the arts: visit an art museum, attend a play, or have them pawtograph a painting.

Whistle while you work (and make your castle shine!). From Cinderella to Snow White, no princess is too good to use a little elbow grease to make her home her castle. Turn up some tunes (bonus points if they are of the princess variety!), channel your inner-Cinderella, and get to work making your own abode sparkle and shine. Once things are clean, take a little time to make things feel extra special this week: decorate with streamers, beads, or dog artwork you create together. Make your space a place you can’t wait to come home to—and to show off!
Do a good deed (or two). Princesses, whether they live in the real world or in a fairy tale, are known for doing good deeds and taking care of the people in their kingdoms. This week is the perfect opportunity to enlist your little ones in some good deed doing. Help a neighbor with their dogs, offer to assist someone with their dog walking, or volunteer at a local animal shelter.
Make some plans with Prince Charming (better known as Dad!). While National Princess Week can be a lot of fun for fur moms and their furkids, it wouldn’t be complete without showing a little love to the Prince Charming of the house. After all, he’s an important part of your royal family and deserves the chance to celebrate too! Schedule a special time for Dad and his princess. Serve a special picnic in the living room or send them out for a day of doga, hiking, swimming or agility dancing.