Fashion Magazine

Paris Fashion Week - IMANE AYISSI SS25 AKALANN Collection

By Fashionista Smile @FashionistSmile
Paris Fashion Week - IMANE AYISSI SS25 AKALANN Collection

The trend radar of Fashionista Smile spotted the Spring Summer collection of the Paris based couturier IMANE AYISSI with elements apparently different but linked by structure and surface, like sik and ecological fabrics made of bamboo.

Paris Fashion Week - IMANE AYISSI SS25 AKALANN Collection

The collection proposes a revisited version of the African boubou worn by men and women in most West and Central African countries.

Paris Fashion Week - IMANE AYISSI SS25 AKALANN Collection

Also the Kaba, a loose dress originally imposed on African women by European colonizers in the 19th century to cover their bodies and shapes and which became a kind of national clothing in Cameroon.

Paris Fashion Week - IMANE AYISSI SS25 AKALANN Collection

The designer while working on these clothes, linked the elements with other emblematic clothes from other continents: kimono type clothes from the Asian continent for the boubou, Korean Hanbok or dresses worn by women in China during the Tang era.

Paris Fashion Week - IMANE AYISSI SS25 AKALANN Collection Paris Fashion Week - IMANE AYISSI SS25 AKALANN Collection

Without forgetting European dresses from the very end of the 18th century and the beginning of the 20th century.

Paris Fashion Week - IMANE AYISSI SS25 AKALANN Collection

The relationship between elements of apparently extremely different cultures that made of this collection a journey between Asia, Africa and Paris through time.

Paris Fashion Week - IMANE AYISSI SS25 AKALANN Collection

Wang Ying has produced prints on silk and new ecological fabrics based on Bamboo, as much as paintings on fabric.

Paris Fashion Week - IMANE AYISSI SS25 AKALANN Collection

"The pride of being different should not prevent the happiness of being together" Léopold Sédar Senghor

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