Family Magazine

Parenting FAIL Friday: Where’s My Lollipop?

By Mediocremom @mediocre_mom

You probably assumed that with the end of the most candy-centric day of the year, I would have some sort of sugar-related fail. I aim to please, so I obliged.

The Nerd and I helped out with a big harvest party our church did, complete with bounce house, games, puppet shows, and of course, candy.

And like any mediocre parent, breakfast on November 1st is candy. Why?

  1. Two words: no tantrums.
  2. It’s less that I’ll eat when they’re asleep. No judgement. You all do it.
  3. It’s out of the house faster, meaning I can legitimately say, “It’s all gone.”
  4. Did I mention I avoid tantrums this way?

All three munchkins dug in first thing: chocolate bars, organic lollipops (food coloring does bad things to Goo), and Tootsie rolls. Naturally, 3.2 seconds later, Smush had lost her lollipop. I scanned the surrounding area, which may or may not have been my bedroom because they wanted to snuggle and eat candy and I only get that once a year. And I can lay in bed longer. Anyway.

I couldn’t find it. Goo said she ate it already. Seemed plausible since children are like rabid honey badgers when it comes to candy.

We got up, got Punkin ready for school, started about our day, and as usually happens because I have long hair that gets annoying, I went to brush my hair out of my face.

Except my hand got stuck.

And then I found this:

Parenting FAIL Friday: Where’s my lollipop?

That would be Smush’s lollipop. In my hair.

Note to self: snuggling and November 1st candy gorging do not mix.

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