Family Magazine

Parenting FAIL Friday: This Time It Wasn’t My Fault.

By Mediocremom @mediocre_mom

You all know of Smush’s propensity for mess making. It takes her 0.2 seconds to destroy an entire room. Or makeup bag. Or tub. You get the idea.

I know keep the time-out chair on top of the fridge when not in use because she kept using it to do things she isn’t supposed to do. And every time I think, “Really? You thought using the *time-out chair* to climb up and empty a bag of cereal was a good plan?”

Anyway. This past week’s FAIL was something along those lines, except it totally wasn’t my fault this time! Gold star for me.

I was in the shower, and the girls were hanging with the Nerd. Except that 10 minutes in, the Nerd yells into the bathroom, “Is Smush in there with you?”

Umm, no. Because I’m taking a shower. Alone. Where no one can torment me. Unless you do this and I now panic because not knowing where Smush is cannot ever be a good thing.

I continue to rinse the shampoo out of my hair, silently praying that very soon he’ll be returning to tell me he found her. Rinsing. Rinsing. No update.

I can hear him walking, now stomping, now almost running room to room, calling out. And now I worry. Because our kids escape the house sometimes.

I throw on a bathrobe, soaking wet, and begin traipsing through the house calling for Smush. And, ever so quietly, I hear:

“What, Mommy?”

“Where are you?”

“Umm, I’m just hiding.”

Crap. Crap crap crap. “What are you doing?”

“I’m making messes.”

And then I found this:

Parenting FAIL Friday: This time it wasn’t my fault.

That would be lipstick. And if I showed my kids’ faces on here, you would see that the beautiful rosy mauve color was also painted all over her face. And that super cute owl dress? First. time. wearing it.

So now you can see that it isn’t just me that these things happen to. She’s quick. She climbed up, took my lipstick, went all Picasso on herself, and did it all before the Nerd knew she was gone.

Terrifying, no?

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