Latest Update from Victoria Stilwell and URGENT email request…
pls share, latest UPDATE, join protest in NYC Mon. July 9 to #SaveLennox the dog #End BSL
This is a beautiful heartfelt letter…
My Heart for Lennox | A copy of a Letter to Michelle O Neill. Minister for Agriculture and Development
“I feel that all of those who have worried for Lennox and his family, do deserve an explanation. It is only fair and it is only right. I do not know who is accountable to provide such information, and I was wondering whether you could pass this email on to Belfast City Councils Public Relations Team (That I assume they have) although, so far, there does not seem any point of contact.
…We are supposed to be a civilized society and all of these people who have protested, campaigned, some have even made badges, video’s and posters to raise awareness. These people do deserve an explanation. I was brought up to believe that we should tell the truth, silence is not the answer. Why is he being destroyed? I have a 7 year old God-Daughter, who won’t take her dog to the park because she believes if a dog warden sees them, he/she will take her pet. I say to her, don’t be silly, no, they won’t. And then I wonder, the thing is though… they did it to Lennox. How do you explain or justify this to a 7 year old little girl with a Yorkshire Terrier? This is how deeply it is affecting our society of animal lovers, to include our children, the next generation, utterly appalling.”
Lennox KISSING the very person that (under oath) called him “extremely aggressive.”
From Victoria Stilwell
Spent a great afternoon with the courageous and beautiful Barnes family in Belfast. Their passion not only for saving Lennox but also for making the world safer for all dogs is humbling and awesome to behold. No matter the outcome, we must all unite worldwide to overturn BSL everywhere and make sure their ordeal has not been in vain.
Inexplicably, thus far the Belfast City Council has denied my repeated requests to meet privately and discuss alternatives for Lennox. We’re not finished fighting this, though, and will keep you updated.
How can these bureaucrats punish and treat a disabled young girl and her innocent dog so cruelly with the whole world watching????
this is my letter…
Dear Michelle O’Neil, [email protected]
my heart is heavy, tummy upset and I cannot sleep awaiting to hear the fate of Lennox again tonight.As a dog owner, I fret because I rescued my dog and love my dog. How can anyone with a heart not be affected by the fate of Lennox????There are so many disturbing aspects to this case.Numerous articles like the one below have been surfacing where dogs who have actually bit people have been given reprieve that it really strikes at the heart. Why has Lennox been singled out for punishment then????? A loved dog of a disabled girl who never hurt a soul. Why have all of the requests to rehome Lennox gone unanswered????if this pup can be given a muzzling and retraining order for having bitten, then there is no excuse for the councils death sentence on Lennox and I don’t accept the opinion of someone paid to give evidence against him, especially not since dog experts who I respect have given opposite opinions of Lennox. An illegal fighting dog was spared. This dog was found running around freely in the streets without a collar or lead. Yet this dog was not put into jail nor does this dog await death. young disabled girl’s heart is broken and many hundreds of thousands of people’s hearts around the world have spent more nights and days like this worrying, fretting, wondering what to do to help this family who have showed tremendous courage and dignity despite this ongoing ordeal.Brooke, the young disabled girl, deserves to have her dog back, her bestest friend in the whole wide world.Please give Brooke her dog back or at the very least allow Victoria Stilwell, Cesar Milan, Jeff Coltenback or any of the other requests to rehome Lennox safely with dog experts at their OWN EXPENSE happen.The world deserves the truth. And Lennox and his family deserve justice and healing. They and we have already been through too much heartache.LET LENNOX LIVE.Pardon him. He has done nothing wrong.Brooke and the other children of the world are watching with their parents and dog lovers like myself are, too.His fate lies in your hands.Sincerely,CeliaSue HechtTo email Ireland’s Prime Minister: [email protected] you’d like to send an email to each of the Belfast City Council members, blind copy them all at these email addresses: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] the media:A disabled young girl in ill health, an innocent dog and a world full of dog lovers… vs. cruel bureaucracyThe National Animal Control Authority (ENPA) in Italy has asked for clemency to the Queen and has offered to host Lennox in Italy.
Victoria Stilwell, Cesar Millan, Jeff Coltenback and others in the USA have offered to give Lennox a home in America at their own expense.
Belfast, Ireland, LET LENNOX GO HOME !!!!!
Media in the UK