Culture Magazine

Pandorum (2009) Movie Review

By Newguy

Pandorum – Movie Review

Pandorum (2009) Movie Review

First Reaction – Pandorum is a great sci-fi movie in a chaotic environment.

Watch Pandorum here.

a JustWatch JustWatch

ABC Film Challenge – Favourites – Q (Dennis Quaid)

Director: Christian Alvart

Writer: Travis Milloy (Screenplay)


Plot: Two crew members of a spaceship wake up from hypersleep to discover that all their colleagues are missing. Despite this, it appears that they are not alone.

Runtime: 1 Hour 48 Minutes 

There may be spoilers in the rest of the review

Story: Pandorum starts when the world’s resources have run out and survivors are flown across the galaxy. Bower (Foster) awakes from hypersleep only to discover the ship in distress. He wakes Payton (Quaid) and the two investigate the ship and try to figure out what happened.

Bower discovers other survivors who have been fighting a bigger threat. Meanwhile, Payton learns what happened to his predecessors and learns the disturbing truth. It becomes a race to find a way out before they become the latest victims.

Verdict on Pandorum


The movie follows the survivors of a space redeployment that has had an incident. They investigate the ship to discover savage creatures roaming the hallways and other survivors fighting to survive.

Best Parts

The movie uses the contained environment of the spaceship to show the impossible situation the survivors are in. It keeps things tight and mostly in darkness creating the horror involved. We get the chaotic nature of chasing around the ship. Along with the bigger story going on with Payton. Everything here leads to a terrifying story. The performances are great and keep us wondering what will happen next.

Final ThoughtsPandorum is a chaotic contained horror.

Pandorum (2009) Movie Review

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