The system of medicine of Ayurveda is completely different from the modern system of medicine (allopathy). This therapy does not directly attack any disease or its bacteria, rather it aims to strengthen the immunity of the patient so that diseases or defects or other factors are all eradicated by themselves.
There are many diseases that, even after treatment, they again and again flourish in the body. To eliminate such diseases, the body needs to be modified from inside. In Ayurveda, to prevent and treat these diseases, Elimination Therapy, which is the healing process of modification, is called Panchakarma-therapy. Ayurveda says that the 5 elements (the earth, water, fire, sky and air) of a human body are made up of the same elements. When there is a disturbance in the ratio of these 5 elements in the body, problems arise. Ayurveda brings these elements back into normalcy and in this way diseases are diagnosed. Panchakarma is done for arthritis, paralysis, stomach diseases, sinus, migraine, cervical spondylitis, sciatica, BP, diabetes, liver disorders, joint pain, eye and intestinal diseases etc.
Panchakarma is considered to be the special medical method of Ayurveda. It is used for detoxification and rejuvenation of the body. By this medical method, all three physical defects: Vata, Pitta and Kapha are brought to normal state and are removed from the body. Different types of processes are used to remove various chemical and toxic elements that contaminate the various body parts and blood. There are five karma predominant in these processes. That's why this particular method is called 'Panchakarma'.
In this method, the body is purified by taking out the toxins (harmful substances) present in the body. Disease is also prevented with this. It is the body's purification activity which is also beneficial for a healthy human being. The principle of Ayurveda is: to cure the patient's disease and to maintain the health of a healthy person. Panchakarma therapy is best for both of these purposes of Ayurveda. That is why Panchakarma is considered to be the best therapy not only for physical diseases but also for the treatment of mental diseases.
It consists of five major karmas but two pre-karmas are also necessary before starting them. These are lubrication and sweat. Through these two different processes, the doshas prevailing in the body are made able to get out.
According to Pradhan Karma the following are:
- Vomit (Vaman) 2. Purgation(Virechan) 3. Asthapan vasti 4. anuvasana vasti 5. Nasya
It is to be noted here that according to the surgical scriptures, with the title Vasti, Aasthana and Anusavana Vasti have been considered as the third Pradhan Karma and the fifth Pradhan Karma has been considered as 'RAKTMOSKSHAN.
Panchakarma Method:
Pre work
- Lubrication(SNEHAN): The word affection refers to snoring of the body. Lubrication is done on the body by ablution (massage) of aliphatic substances etc. or by drinking. In the treatment of some diseases, lubrication is also used as the main function. Shirodhara, the main therapy of the Panchakarma medical practice, is also considered to be under lubrication karma.
These four major affection (lubrication) are used under lubrication therapy:
Among them, gheer (cow's ghee) is considered to have good affection. These four are mainly to eliminate bile. Various oils proven from medicine are used for Panchakarma, whose base is especially sesame oil, while other oils are also used as a basis.
- Sweat(SWEDEN): It is the process that causes sweat. In steam, the patient is put to sleep in a steam box or by laying. A box with infrared lamp is used for dry sweeping.
Methods of processing
- Ekang Sveda: Particular Body part
- Servang sveda: full body sweating
- Agni Sveda: Requesting direct contact with fire
- Niragni sweat: Sneaking without direct contact with fire
Abhyanga: Massage of ghee or medicated oil on the body by specific method of scripture is called Abhyanga. It is beneficial in skin indigestion, frail person, extremely physical exertion or with mental stress, insomnia, gout, such as rheumatism, paralysis, tremor, sub acute (cervical spondylitis or lumbar spondylitis). Apart from this, before the Sveda Karma and also before the Panchakarma, it is also practiced as a pre-Karma.
Fever, indigestion, pregnancy and deformed phlegm defects like Kas, breathing etc. should not be used. According to the disease, the practice should be done by trained therapist from Mahanarayan oil, Kshirbala oil, Dhanvantram oil, Mahamashatail or Gaughrit etc.
Shirodhara: Putting liquids like milk, medicated oil etc. on the head and forehead is called Shirodhara. It is beneficial in diseases like headache, brain disease, venereal disease, vascular disease, insomnia, mental stress, hypertension, paralysis, facial paralysis, epilepsy and premature graying or whitening of hair. Shirodhara should not be used in coma, fever, low blood pressure and cold and cough.
Eye Tarpan: The application of medicated ghee or oil on the eyes is called Netra Tarpan. This activity is very beneficial in the appearance of blurred eyes, sore eyes, dryness, night blindness and vata and pitta axis diseases. According to the disease, Trifaladhrit etc. is used in this eye surgery. This action also does the work of visualization.
Katibasti: In the Katibasti Kriya, a round machine of urad dal flour is placed in the lower part of the patient's waist (katipradesh) and a drip oil containing medicine is placed in it. Katibasti Kriya is a mixed action of lubrication and spontaneity. It is beneficial in backache, lumbar (lumbar spondylitis), slip disc, etc. This action is done by the TB of the waist. Or should not be used in cancer.
Janu Basti
In Janu Basti, this puddle of knee joint gum medicinal oil or specially prepared medicinal Hubmal decoction oil for about 15-20 minutes remains warm in the knee.
- Benefits- Eliminates pain and stiffness in the knee Protects knee joints from age-related changes, improves joint mobility
Five purification procedures
- Vamana Karma: Removal of formatted Kapha Dosha as vomiting from the gateway.
- Expulsion Karma: Removal of pitta dosha formatted with stool from the anus.
- Basti Karma: To enter drugs by special device through sperm or urethra. This formulation treats vata dosha. It is of two types:
- Niruha or Aasthaan Basti - It is given with medicated drugs and purifies by removing the vata dosha formulated in excessive form.
- Anusana or Sneh Basti - This drug, mixed with oil, ghee or both, is given by Gudamarga for the removal of disease-induced air dosha.
Nasya Karma: The giving of medicinal affection or powder through the NASA route is called nasal. NASA is considered to be the gate to the head and the medicine given by this route removes the defects from the head and the entire body. It is a Karma of Panchakarma which particularly benefits the diseases of the head, throat, eyes, nose and ears.
Nasal function: It is beneficial in diseases like colic, migraine, premature hair whitening, hair fall, paralysis, cold-cough, chronic cold, epileptic seizures, cervical spondylitis, nasal polyp, etc.
In the condition of indigestion, cough, intoxication, children, the fetus and those who are hurt inside the nose. Should not do. There are many types of nerves. Medicines used in this and medicinal oil, ghee etc. are used in full according to the nature of the disease and the patient.
Raktamokshan: The method of removing contaminated blood from the body is called Raktamokshan: The blood contaminated with arms or jalauka is extracted by selecting a specific part of the body according to the disease. Blood diseases are beneficial in skin and blood vessel diseases. Before performing Panchakarma, lubrication are done. It is not only necessary to do lubrication and sweating before Panchakarma, but by doing these two pre-actions in abundance, we can bring the truth of doshas to the body and make the body healthy. Both these antecedents are an integral part of Panchakarma and are given internally in external form in the body.
Patra Pinda Sweda (Leaf Bundle massage)
In this procedure, we heat or oil fry the leaves of the medicinal plant tied in a bolus to provide heat to the affected area of the body parts
Shali Shastik Pinda Sweda (Medicated Rice massage)
In this procedure, the shastika shali rice is cooked in kwatha & dugdha. The pottalis are prepared with these ingredients. After that, with the help of these pottalis the patient affected area is massaged.
Udvartana (Dry powder massage)
The dry herbal powder or herbal paste prepared with the medicated oils is used for massaging the body.
Mukha Lepam (Traditional Ayurvedic Facial)
It is a medicated paste prepared from herbs that keeps your facial skin healthy.
Nabhi Vasti ( Umblical oil reservoir therapy)
In this procedure a dough ring is made on your stomach area. The lukewarm medicated oil is poured into this ring. This is done 3 to 4 times for 30 mins. After that, the dough is removed and the stomach is gently massaged in a circular motion.
Karnapoorna (Oil bath for the ears)
In this procedure, the medicated warm oil is put into the ear canal that supports the overall ear health.
All the above mentioned Panchakarma actions perform the task of removing the formulated defects from the patient's body. Generally in Ayurveda, it has been said that when medicines are consumed after purification, then the diseases in the body are quickly eradicated and the body becomes stronger and the immunity of the body increases by the use of chemical medicines