Family Magazine

Painting Fun #31daysoffun

By Maxwell1212 @MummyToTheMax
We have heard from Maxwell's preschool Maxwell adores painting so this week I thought I would treat him to a brand new painting set which included sponge shapes, a paintbrush and a roller. The day was not particularly nice and I had planned to paint outside and use objects like leaves to make a collage however due to the weather we ended up doing Maxwell's painting fun activity inside.
A few weeks ago Home Bargains sent us a lovely bundle of goodies and included in the bundle of goodies was a apron to keep Maxwell clean when doing activities such as painting. The apron was priced at just 69p and I wanted to give it a special mention on this post due to it being such a good quality product. It protected Maxwell's clothes whilst painting and it could be used over and over again. It is not a thick apron so Maxwell was oblivious of it which was great as it did not interfere with his painting.  
Painting Fun #31daysoffunPainting Fun #31daysoffun
Painting Fun #31daysoffun
Maxwell was keen to start off with using the roller. Included in the set which I bought Maxwell was a little tub which enabled him to dip his roller in, roll off the excess paint and roll beautiful pictures. Eventually Maxwell got a little bored and ended up wanting to use a different color paint and was keen to try and use the paint brush. Maxwell ended up dabbing the paintbrush over the picture and managed to create a bright picture.
In the end Maxwell managed to create 3 pictures. I love to see Maxwell using his creative skills and making me things!  I was really impressed with his paint picture and have ended up putting it on the fridge! I am looking forward to seeing some more of Maxwell's creations!
I did not receive any financial reward for writing this post. However we did receive a apron which I have mentioned in this post. I have written all my own thoughts in this post.

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